July 14, 2014

Fat Beats "What Is Fat Beats (A Brief History)" (Video, 2008)

Fat Beats was established in 1994. The clip below is a brief history of Fat Beats - it includes select in-stores, television appearances and live shows. Without hesitation, I can tell you that nothing I've accomplished in the music industry would've been possible without Fat Beats. As a customer, it was an amazing place to shop and chop it up with like-minded folks, but when I started working there, that's when it opened up doors to so many other things and introduced me to some of the best friends I've ever had in life. Fat Beats was the meeting place; the bridge to connect to me to so much more. I mean, I've been around the world; released several projects; met some of my heroes, and been inspired beyond my limits. Watching the video below just brings all those memories back to me. I hope you have some of your own from Fat Beats. Much love and thanks to DJ Eclipse, DJ Jab, DJ Boo, BBAS, Arsonists, Juggaknots, Eternia, and too many others to name, but I appreciate, too.